About NAT

All test takers of the Japanese Language NAT-TEST will receive a detailed score report. On the score report will be printed not only your general score but also a breakdown of the different sections and how you performed on them. Your strong suits and weak points on the test will be visible at a glance. This is also a great tool to use in your future Japanese studies.

For those who receive a passing score, a certificate of proficiency will be issued as well with your picture attached to it. You can use this as a means to demonstrate your ability in Japanese to any future schools, employers, etc.

How to read your score report

On your score report we will print out your general score, ranking, points, average score and grade for each individual section: Language Knowledge (vocabulary/reading), Language Knowledge (grammar), Reading Comprehension, and Listening.

  • A: You scored within the top 20% of all test takers
  • B: You scored within the top 40% of all test takers
  • C: You scored within the top 60% of all test takers
  • D: You scored within the top 80% of all test takers
  • E: You scored within the bottom 20% of all test takers



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